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Clarity does not rely on our I.Q.; it relies on our capacity to accept the way things are. Until we keep being angry resentful or anxious, we cannot be clear. Clarity requires a certain level of detachment. When we are worried about something we are not seeing clearly. The capacity to see depends on our emotional capacity to let go.

The capacity to see depends on our emotional capacity to let go.

Letting go is not a process of dissociation from our emotional self, it is a process of integration. Our emotional dimension, through pain and pleasure, comfort and discomfort, peace and agitation, gives us insights into our capacity to be clear from moment to moment.

Being clear invites us to connect to our truth and express it in an exploratory process. When we hold back out of fear, we create stories and assumptions that add layers of confusion. Being clear is the path of the heart, the path of simple truth.

Schedule your one-on-one transformational phone session with me today. I’m offering a 25-minute or 50-minute session. Let’s see what we can do!

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Gaining Inner Strengths in Times of Chaos

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Tejpal, MA, MBA

Life Coach, Brennan Energy Healer,
Kundalini Yoga Teacher,

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Gaining Inner Strengths in Times of Chaos

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Nine Insights and Exercises to Help You Grow

Tejpal, MA, MBA

Life Coach, Brennan Energy Healer,
Kundalini Yoga Teacher,

Connect To Your True Purpose

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