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Exploring Transitions

Every day, all day long we are going through constant transitions: waking up, eating, driving, sleeping, reading, watching, playing,….to name a few. And yet how do we transition from one thing to another?

In life we spend a lot of time anticipating and being prepared for any kind of transitions but we don’t spend much time in practicing staying awake and aware during the time of transition. We like to plan as much as we can but …how about the unplanned transitions? Like…getting sick, going through a break up, loosing someone, getting fired, having a loved one getting sick, losing a contract, being in a car accident, etc.

Anticipation is certainly a good thing up to a point. Some of you are only interested in what is next as if your mind always needs something to chew on to prevent feeling boredom, lack of motivation or depression.

A beautiful spiritual practice is staying awake during our time of death, our ultimate transition while we are on earth. As I was participating in a dream yoga workshop a couple of weeks ago that has been a new focus for me.

During that workshop we had a nap everyday and one of the exercises was to mindfully transition to a resting time. I was amazed of how much my mind was all over the place like crazy…laughable at some point…and so I invite you to explore…

When we are able to stay stable with our mind during any time of transition the chaos of life is not going to bring us into neurotic behaviors. The Tibetan have mentioned that if we die unconscious then we will return on earth within 49 days doing the same thing over and over.

Regardless what your spiritual preferences are, staying conscious during any transitions is certainly a beautiful practice. You learn to develop a stable mind so that you can free yourself from listening to the constant rumbling of your thoughts. You can connect to your true essence and from there feel your vastness.

Pick one transition; maybe it is your wake up time or sleeping time…or perhaps it is before and after a meal…or before and after a visit with someone…Be curious…be aware about your thoughts, emotions and sensations….you will first realize how unstable you are but with regular practice you will gain inner clarity and inner peace.

With Love

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Gaining Inner Strengths in Times of Chaos

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Tejpal, MA, MBA

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Gaining Inner Strengths in Times of Chaos

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Nine Insights and Exercises to Help You Grow

Tejpal, MA, MBA

Life Coach, Brennan Energy Healer,
Kundalini Yoga Teacher,

Connect To Your True Purpose

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