Our dualistic mind experiences death as something outside of ourselves, happening sometimes in the future. Our dualistic mind limits the understanding of what death is all about; death lives within us not outside of us.

The art of dying requires us to be willing to surrender to everything. It teaches us to let go of our mask, our projections, our fears, what we think is right, or what we believe is fair. This path can be bumpy, with experiences of contraction and expansion. The art of dying is not the art of dissociating or ignoring our emotions. It is the art of integrating all of it and staying committed to our experience. We then realize that we need to let go about letting go and embrace ourselves exactly the way we are.
When we truly commit to dying, our hearts open. When we truly commit to dying, we are reminded to bring humility at the core of who we are, so we can be present to everything.
This death may be more challenging than our physical death and yet that is the path to our truth and our freedom. Can we be brave enough to invite death into our lives?
Schedule your one-on-one transformational phone session with me today. I’m offering 25-minute or 50-minute sessions. Let’s see what we can do!