
Equilibrium is what we need to strive for if we want to experience inner peace.  Maintaining inner balance, regardless of our current circumstances or situations in the world as they unfold, is key.

Looking for the perfect lifestyle or the perfect mindset will not necessarily give us equilibrium; practicing flexibility will. We need a strong set of values to start with, to be grounded, and to have a sense of self. Our first inquiry is to clearly define our key three to five values. Then we can assess whether our actions and decisions are aligned with our key values. Without strong values, we cannot practice flexibility.

Flexibility is not about being spacey or looking for the greatest and latest opinion on any given topic; it requires curious listening where there is nothing to grab or to claim. Through the practice of curious listening, we are reminded of the law of impermanence intrinsic to any life on earth. We learn to constantly adjust. Sometimes adjustments are subtle like our breath or our focus; while other times adjustments may be more obvious or drastic, like a change of work, location or relationship.  

We are asked through the pressure of time, to go within with more consistency, depth, and compassion. That is the choice to make for ourselves and this planet. We certainly don’t need to add more chaos to the cosmos.

Schedule your one-on-one transformational phone session with me today. I’m offering a 25-minute or a 50-minute session. Let’s see what we can do!

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Gaining Inner Strengths in Times of Chaos

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Tejpal, MA, MBA

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Gaining Inner Strengths in Times of Chaos

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Nine Insights and Exercises to Help You Grow

Tejpal, MA, MBA

Life Coach, Brennan Energy Healer,
Kundalini Yoga Teacher,

Connect To Your True Purpose

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