I have one wish for you
It is for you to be you
And forgive me for being so demanding
Forgive me for directing you, or imposing on you in a way
I own my distortion of hope for you
And in that hope, I am not conditional
There is no deadline, no one-way ticket
If you knock at my door
That is what I offer you, nothing else
Be you, beyond your physical attachments, your roles, your look, your age, your belongings, your relationships
Be you, awake and at peace with the constant unfolding of who you truly are
It takes discipline to be you
It will take actually all of you and more to never betray yourself from fear
Of not having enough, being rejected, failing, or whatever else you fear pulls you to do
It takes lucidity to look at your shadow and forgive yourself over and over
It takes trust
And the courage to die over and over
So that you don’t get attached to your fixed identity or what you think you know
The kind of discipline I am talking about
Is the discipline of the heart
If you realize that in the chaos of your life and mind there is no other way
Then knock at my door
And in the space between us, you will find You
Book your Transformational One-On-One phone session with Tejpal.