By now you should know, that our genetic code needs to be reinvented. The way we breathe think and communicate has to be broken down in order to be expressed from a different paradigm. As a community, we are pushed into many corners that will eventually create more and more breakdowns, whether they are ecological, financial, or political to name a few.

We still are part of the solar system, and we rely on this mysterious food we call Prana in yoga. Yet, if we don’t radically change and reinvent our relationship with money, communities, and nature our suffering will keep increasing. This is our responsibility to explore our blind spots, let go, and rebirth.
The path of a culture that promotes more pleasure is not the path of the future. Pleasure often stimulates reactive and addictive behaviors and closes the heart. Without living in austerity, let’s examine what we really need and deepen our spiritual practice to find stillness in the storm.
With love,
Schedule your one-on-one transformational phone session with me today. I’m offering 25-minute or 50-minute sessions. Let’s see what we can do!