When a civilization goes to the extreme, it is an indication that we have lost our roots and our identity. Extreme appears in many areas of our culture: in our diet, lifestyle, or communication to name a few.

Our thinking mind does not know boundaries and is not able to appreciate moderation and balance. When we only can motivate ourselves and get excited about life through radical challenges, then we may realize that we are not centered and not living in the heart.
The all-or-nothing civilization we are part of is a distraction and creates an illusion. The path to spirituality requires balance, moderation, and consistency. Extremes tell us that our thinking mind is attached to magic and specific outcomes. Moderation invites detachment. If we can’t develop our capacity to detach, we suffer.
If we let go of bliss, and spiritual high that can be generated through extreme choices, Â we can experience spiritual freedom which is the pathway to peace.
Schedule your one-on-one transformational phone session with me today. I’m offering 25-minute or 50-minute sessions. Let’s see what we can do!