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We all have experienced limitations at many levels: the emotional level, being stuck in one emotion and or not being able to let go, the physical level, the financial level, or the spiritual level, holding onto dogmas.

The culture we live in is attached to the idea of not having any limitations which is a phantasy of the mind. Every time we reject limitations, we generate a lack of energetic alignment and from there unnecessary chaos. When we start to embrace any limitations within us or outside of us, we can see clearly. The decisions we are making will solidify peace and stability.

Limitations invite us to awaken aspects within ourselves that have been dormant. In this context, they can become our doorway to opportunities instead of a constriction to our own expansion.

The magic is not to reject or deny limitations but to relate to them in a way that feels limitless. Limitations are not necessarily meant to be challenged or ignored; they are meant to be loved. If we can’t sit with them, we can’t heal. When we learn to be curious about our own limitations, we generate a new level of vitality and freedom.

Schedule your one-on-one transformational phone session with me today. I’m offering 25-minute or 50-minute sessions. Let’s see what we can do!

Gaining Inner Strengths in Times of Chaos

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Nine Insights and Exercises to Help You Grow

Tejpal, MA, MBA

Life Coach, Brennan Energy Healer,
Kundalini Yoga Teacher,

Connect To Your True Purpose

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Gaining Inner Strengths in Times of Chaos

Unlock Your Copy Now, and receive my News Letter

Nine Insights and Exercises to Help You Grow

Tejpal, MA, MBA

Life Coach, Brennan Energy Healer,
Kundalini Yoga Teacher,

Connect To Your True Purpose

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