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Urgency can be an addiction of the mind. Our mental dimension has a constricted relationship with time and is not able to fully embrace it. It does not realize how long things take to be done, thinks it knows better, and what it wants it wants it now. 

When urgency becomes part of our lifestyle, in most situations it is time for us to step back and realize that our mind is directing our life. Made of primarily the elements of Air and Ether, by nature, the mind is mobile, light, fast, and unstable. Knowing this, it makes sense that the mind can become a big bully and take over. When this happens, our capacity to assess any situation is limited and we run on reactivity fueled by fear.

When the mind can tune into the Earth and Water elements, it has more capacity to feel, and it can embrace a paradigm that is not led by urgency. This new paradigm is guided by our senses. Only our senses can bring us into presence. 

Next time you see yourself caught in urgency, pause, connect to nature, change your breath, or move gently. Notice if your mind can sense. Only when our mind can tune into our senses, 
we can access freedom and peace.

Schedule your one-on-one transformational phone session with me today. I’m offering 25-minute or 50-minute sessions. Let’s see what we can do!

Gaining Inner Strengths in Times of Chaos

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Nine Insights and Exercises to Help You Grow

Tejpal, MA, MBA

Life Coach, Brennan Energy Healer,
Kundalini Yoga Teacher,

Connect To Your True Purpose

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Gaining Inner Strengths in Times of Chaos

Unlock Your Copy Now, and receive my News Letter

Nine Insights and Exercises to Help You Grow

Tejpal, MA, MBA

Life Coach, Brennan Energy Healer,
Kundalini Yoga Teacher,

Connect To Your True Purpose

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