One of my beautiful true friends, Catherine, is a comic and mother of three. She has been diagnosed with LAM lung disease; a rare form of cancer in the lungs that they have not yet found a cure for.
In 2006, she was given 5 to 10 years to live and she is now more vibrant than ever. Her life force and heart are priceless and her humor is contagious. She has been able to raise 2 million dollars and attract some top-notch scientists to find a cure for this disease. She touches so many with compassion and great laughter that you can only do one thing when you are in her presence…open your heart and laugh really loud.
Here is a newly documentary about Catherine and her website if you would like to make a donation. Please watch it! You will be inspired!
Why am I talking about Catherine’s journey? In many ways Cat helps me to answer that question that has became louder for the past couple of months. How do I show up in this world? What do I stand for? What do I fight for?
I got my answer…I simply need to connect to my gifts and uplift moment to moment. That is where I heal others and myself; that is where I keep my inner light going.
If we listen to the Yogis, the heart’s projection has a 60-degree angle. By nature the heart uplifts.
Uplifting has nothing to do with motivating; there is no agenda to make the other person feel better or have more energy. Each time you expect an outcome you are not in the heart center you are in your will, convincing, forcing and pushing.
Uplifting is not about ignoring what does not work either. You still commit to glow no matter what. If you embrace that quality, every cause you stand up for will not eat you up. More than ever before we all need to glow.
How do you uplift in your day-to-day life?
With much love