We all have had many teaching opportunities in our lives that ultimately reflect our capacity to learn and grow.


We all have had many teaching opportunities in our lives that ultimately reflect our capacity to learn and grow. We also all are able to

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Judgments are assessments frozen in time. They may be conscious or unconscious. As soon as a judgment is created, our whole system contracts and it shut down other possibilities. Judgements are sticky and not easy to release.


Judgments are assessments frozen in time. They may be conscious or unconscious. As soon as a judgment is created, our whole system contracts and it

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When a civilization goes into extreme, it is an indication that we have lost our roots and our identity.


When a civilization goes to the extreme, it is an indication that we have lost our roots and our identity. Extreme appears in many areas

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Most spiritual traditions explore the following question: Who am I?  Most spiritual traditions will state that we are neither our mind nor our physical body; then who are we?
Healthy Lifestyle

The Path to Self

Most spiritual traditions explore the following question: Who am I?  Most spiritual traditions will state that we are neither our mind nor our physical body;

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Spirituality is not a special world disconnected from us where magic or superpowers happen. It is at the core of who we are, and many paths can guide us there.
Healthy Lifestyle

Redefining Spirituality

Spirituality is not a special world disconnected from us where magic or superpowers happen. It is at the core of who we are, and many

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The path of certitude does not invite arrogance, or ignorance. It does not deny our fears and does not guaranty anything in life either.


The path of certitude does not invite arrogance or ignorance. It does not deny our fears or guarantee anything in life. The path of certitude

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Genetic Code

Genetic Code

By now you should know, that our genetic code needs to be reinvented. The way we breathe think and communicate has to be broken down

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Conscious Closing

Conscious Closing

Each and every one of us has a unique relationship with closing. Some of us postpone it as long as possible while others may rush

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Wisdom does not have anything to do with knowledge.


Wisdom does not have anything to do with knowledge. Knowledge becomes obsolete, wisdom is infinite. Most spiritual practices are born out of wisdom: they are

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The act of service does not ask us to compromise who we are or what we need; it stretches us beyond what we believe we can.
Vibrant Living


The act of service does not ask us to compromise who we are or what we need; it stretches us beyond what we believe we

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We live in a world of distractions. What is available to us can be overwhelming and depleting. The economic paradigm wants us to desire more, yet, we have forgotten that we have a choice. Without becoming a hermit, we can decide how to be.


We live in a world of distractions. What is available to us can be overwhelming and depleting. The economic paradigm wants us to desire more,

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Unconditional living teaches us to deepen our commitment to everything including ourselves.

Unconditional Living

Unconditional living teaches us to deepen our commitment to everything including ourselves. If we choose to do so, fear does not drive our thinking, our

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We all have experienced limitations at many levels: the emotional level -being stuck in one emotion and or not being able to let go, the physical level, the financial level, or the spiritual level, holding onto dogmas.


We all have experienced limitations at many levels: the emotional level, being stuck in one emotion and or not being able to let go, the

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Urgency can be an addiction of the mind. Our mental dimension has a constricted relationship with time and is not able to fully embrace it. It does not realize how long things take to be done, thinks it knows better, and what it wants it wants it now.


Urgency can be an addiction of the mind. Our mental dimension has a constricted relationship with time and is not able to fully embrace it.

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Unconditional living teaches us to deepen our commitment to everything including ourselves.
Healthy Lifestyle

Unconditional Living

Unconditional living teaches us to deepen our commitment to everything including ourselves.If we choose to do so, fear does not drive our thinking our communication,

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Sadness is a subtle emotion not well recognized in our culture as anger, anxiety and hopelessness seem to be preeminent.


Sadness is a subtle emotion not well recognized in our culture as anger, anxiety, and hopelessness seem to be preeminent. Every time we allow ourselves

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Embracing impermanence is not a small task.
Healthy Lifestyle


Embracing impermanence is not a small task. Our untrained thinking mind keeps running from one impulse to another and likes to decide when it wants

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Moderation is the yogic path. It is not a place of comfort for the mind: it wants all or nothing now and believes that excitement fun or adventure cannot exist under the concept of moderation.


Moderation is the yogic path. It is not a place of comfort for the mind: it wants all or nothing now and believes that excitement

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Celebrations reveal the identity of a culture. They offer sacred rituals that supports us to open our heart and create a shift in time where healing can occur.
Healthy Lifestyle


Celebrations reveal the identity of a culture. They offer sacred rituals that support us to open our hearts and create a shift in time where

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Stretching is an art.


Stretching is an art. It requires patience and curiosity. When we stretch, time is bent, breath goes deeper, mind shifts. If we hold too tight,

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Gaining Inner Strengths in Times of Chaos

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Tejpal, MA, MBA

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Gaining Inner Strengths in Times of Chaos

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Nine Insights and Exercises to Help You Grow

Tejpal, MA, MBA

Life Coach, Brennan Energy Healer,
Kundalini Yoga Teacher,

Connect To Your True Purpose

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