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About Carrol

At age 4 I knew I wanted to be one of the top harpists in the world and by 14, I was a professional harpist with the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, in Canada, my home country. The path has been exhilarating. Moments I will always remember: my first trip to India, my 35 concert tours to Japan; being part of the filming of the original Star Wars movie; traveling with students to Indonesia, Russia, Brazil, China and other places. I head one of the world’s most respected harp departments, and yes, have won awards (Distinguished Professorship, USA representative to the World Harp Congress, first Doctor of Musical Arts degree ever awarded in Ha, Performance) indicate I met my age 4 goal. And now, the most exhilarating part – the discovery that the harp can heal! Research based on me channeling music for patients following open-heart surgery showed extraordinary decrease in pain and a balancing in blood pressure. I tour the world now, not just as a harpist, but teaching people to achieve their highest level of excellence and to manifest, moment to moment!

Carrol passed away on March 10th 2018.
I am so grateful for the journey we have shared together.
Peace and love,

About Tejpal

At quite a young age I was working in leadership development as VP/Human Resources for a Paris-based chain of hotels, work that empowered me to create innovative projects in line with my love of people and personal development. Despite all this success, at 33 I felt I hadn’t yet found my soul mission so I set out to reinvent myself. I moved to New York to establish myself as an executive coach and, because I am also passionate about sports, I caddied on the Ladies Professional Golf Association Tour, where I experienced firsthand the spirit and attitude of some of the world’s best golfers. Further exploration led me to the Barbara Brennan School of Healing to become a healer and a certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor. I continue to study healing and spirituality, constantly seeking to expand and deepen my healing gifts. I give workshops at Miraval Resort (Tucson) a. throughout the US on Intuition, Soul Mission and Vibrant Living. I also do individual healing and intuitive sessions.

To learn more about Tejpal, please visit: